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Genesis Homes Landscape Packages
Please select your community from the options below to download the appropriate landscaping package preference form. Read the information below to understand what is included in the landscape package for your specific lot. Images and descriptions of the tree options are also available further down on this page.
Landscaping Included as Per Lot Type
The landscaping included in each new homes' package depends on the type of lot it is being built on and the community it is in (Bayside or Bayview). The images below give a general overview of what landscaping you can expect to have completed. Lot sizes will vary but will follow these general guidelines. Please check with Mountains Edge to confirm what is included in your homes' package.
Packages Include:
Top dress, fine grade and sod package areas. Screen loam is used to top dress these areas.
Install 1 caliper sized tree and 5 flowering shrubs, pre-selected from a mixture of different varieties suitable for the Airdrie zone.
Front sod will return 4' past foundation for Regular lot landscaping.
Amenity and High Visibility lots qualify for an extended package. (See Lot Landscaping Diagrams for more information)
Additional Information - From Genesis Land
What is needed to prepare for landscaping installation?
Obtain a copy of the Lot Grading Certificate for the property. The Lot Grading Certificate is provided by the builder. It is a surveyed record of the lot grades and purpose of the certificate is to ensure that the builder has placed and shaped the topsoil on the lot to reasonable tolerances of the approved engineered grades. A copy is sent to homeowners as well as Mountain’s Edge to indicate that the lot grading has been completed and ready for landscaping. Properly installed topsoil ensures rainfall, snow melt or irrigated water drains away from the foundation. Improper drainage can cause moisture or dampness of the foundation and basement.
The lot landscaping package is intended to be a ‘starter kit’ to help homeowners enjoy their property sooner. Whether the homeowner intends to have xeriscape or a yard lush with grasses and flowers, the homeowner can discuss their landscaping plans with Mountain’s Edge and have them omit areas of sod where the homeowner might choose to put a personal mark on their yard.
Other Important Information
Tree species and shrub selections are supported in this grow zone. Due to seasonal availability, some trees species are not in stock.
Trees and shrubs must be maintained by homeowner or tenant following planting. Warranty is not offered on plant material which has been damaged or adversely affected by neglect or poor maintenance. Please read the care and maintenance information thoroughly.
The lot landscaping package has no cash value. No substitutions are available.
Foundation backfill settlement is normal and may occur following landscaping installation. Settlement is not the responsibility of Mountain’s Edge. In the event of significant settlement, please contact the builder.
Mountain’s Edge will arrange utility locates prior to planting and schedule the work with homeowners.
Mountain’s Edge will provide care and maintenance information to homeowners to ensure yards keep looking beautiful in years to come.
Side yard fencing or lot landscaping should not proceed without a certified Lot Grading Certificate.
Typical installation season is June to October, weather and plant stock permitting.
These details and Lot Landscaping Packages are subject to change and may be revised at any time at the discretion of Genesis Land Development Corp.
Laned lots have restricted front yards due to utilities and setbacks to safely and adequately place a tree. Therefore, 10 shrubs will be installed. In these areas, boulevard trees have been selected and will be installed where possible.